Woolworths is proposing to revitalise the Hawker shops

What is happening?

In the supermarket industry, a benchmark is one "full-line" supermarket for every 8,000-10,000 persons. We have identified that the area served by the Hawker supermarket contains approximately 28,000 persons. Based on the benchmark, at least 3 full-line supermarkets could comfortably operate in the Hawker community - yet there are none.

Further, our review of the broader Belconnen region indicates that the provision of supermarket floorspace is 282sqm per 1,000 residents. This is lower than both the ACT and Australian averages (334sqm/1,000 and 356sqm/1,000 respectively). Even with a larger supermarket at Hawker, this will still be the case.

This is what underpins our proposal to revitalise a section of the Hawker shopping precinct by providing a larger, modern supermarket with online shopping services and complementary shops and businesses.


During July and August 2023, we engaged with the local community to gather input to our plans for the area.  

In March 2024 we submitted a Direct Sale Application to the ACT Government to purchase areas adjacent to our existing supermarket, including the car park.  

Assessment of such applications can take from 12 to 24 months. Any decision by the Government to approve the application will be subject to: 

  • Agreement on an appropriate sale price, and: 
  • The approval of a Development Application for the proposed development on the land.  

If the project reaches the Development Application stage, members of the community will have an opportunity at that time to review the detailed plans and provide feedback to the Government to help inform its assessment.   

Development concept 

The proposed new development will comprise a full-range Woolworths supermarket, supplemented by Direct-to-Boot and Home Delivery facilities for online customers; new retail and food tenancies and space on the upper level for such uses as office, health and gym; all connected by outdoor public walkways and spaces. 


A vastly improved playground will be part of the new development. This would become a meeting place for the community, promoting incidental and intergenerational interaction. 


 The proposed development site will be created by the amalgamation of 7 existing land parcels and the demolition of the Woolworths supermarket and the buildings between the supermarket and Hawker Place. 

Review the Masterplan [PDF 49MB]

Our vision is to create a quality location with innovation, sustainability, and community at its heart. A place where the community can come to shop, meet and enjoy.
The ideas we have spoken to the community about include:

  • A fresh, modern, and sustainable design
  • A bigger Woolworths supermarket offering more for your full grocery needs
  • Basement car parking spaces for safe and easy access
  • Public spaces and landscaping that you can enjoy.

We engaged with the local community throughout July and August 2023*

45 people attended an in-person community workshop 179 people provided feedback and insights at community pop-up events 49 people provided submissions, feedback and insights online 4,804 residences reached via letterbox drop 41 local businesses, schools, religious and sporting organisations, across 4 suburbs, provided project information 1973 people visited the project website

We received emails through our website and held meetings with the community and other relevant stakeholders.

View project consultation report [PDF 917kb]

About the location

Hawker is at the centre of a thriving Canberra community, home to schools, sports grounds, and a range of community facilities.
Hawker Place provides a location for people across Hawker and the neighbouring suburbs of Weetangera, Page, and Scullin to access services and amenities with convenience and ease.
Located 9 km north-west from Canberra Civic, Hawker has direct bus routes to the city and nearby Belconnen Westfield via Belconnen Way, the main road that provides a connection to Canberra Civic. We are excited about what the future brings for Woolworths in the Hawker community.

Project timeline

Identification of potential to expand the Woolworths Metro at Hawker Place

Consideration of complementary amenities and services

Early community consultation to understand community sentiment on proposed project

Development of early concept designs

Direct Sale Application submitted to ACT Government to purchase the required extra land

Government assesses Direct Sale Application

If Application not approved by the Government, project ends.  

If application approved, Government and Woolworths negotiate sale price of land

Design refinement and Pre-DA consultation on proposed designs

DA Submission and Assessment stage

If DA approved: Detailed design and construction stage

Open for business

Frequently asked questions

Woolworths is proposing an upgrade and revitalization of part of the Hawker Group Centre, including an increase to the size of its Hawker store to provide a bigger and more extensive range of products for the local community. The proposal also features specialty shops, basement parking, and other amenities. A Masterplan is available to download on the project website.
The project would aim to revitalise a section of the existing dated shopping precinct with a modern and refreshed design that considers environmental sustainability. The expansion of the existing supermarket would provide convenience for customers by offering a larger supermarket with a wider range of products, online shopping services and easily accessible parking. It is expected that a larger supermarket and renewal of this section of the Hawker shops precinct will create job opportunities, contribute to the local economy, and enhance the overall retail experience in Hawker. It will help to reduce "escape expenditure" to larger centres, benefiting existing retailers and businesses in Hawker.
Woolworths prioritises environmental sustainability in all projects. If Woolworths were to undertake a revitalisation of this section of the Hawker shops it would look to incorporate features like rooftop solar panels and rainwater harvesting to reduce environmental impact and promote energy efficiency.
To realise the full benefits of a revitalisation of the Hawker shops as proposed in the Masterplan, Woolworths will look to merge several properties, including the existing Woolworths store and adjacent properties, and some Government-owned land including the car park. Woolworths has submitted an application to the Environment, Planning, and Sustainable Development Directorate of the ACT Government for direct sale of the Government land. This Application will be assessed by the Government to determine its public benefit and feasibility before a decision is made whether to approve it or not.
Woolworths has identified that there is a lower provision of full-line supermarket floor space in the Belconnen region, compared to the ACT and Australian averages. A larger store would better service the needs of the community by providing a wider range of everyday products that is not currently available at the existing store. By increasing the size of their Hawker store, Woolworths will be able to cater to existing and future demand and provide improved access to grocery shopping in the area.
Woolworths undertook community consultation seeking feedback, insights, and considerations from the local community in June to August 2023. Insights from this consultation are available here - Woolworths Hawker consultation report This feedback has guided the refinement of Woolworths approach to the revitalised site to deliver a development that aligns with the community’s vision for the Hawker Place shopping precinct.
At this stage, we are hopeful that construction can commence in 2027 or 2028.
If you have any feedback you would like to provide on the current draft Masterplan, please send an email to feedback@communicationlink.com.au. If direct sale of land is granted, the community will have an opportunity to review the detailed plans and provide feedback to the Government as part of the development approval process.
Detailed plans will be developed in the lead-up to the submission of a Development Application (if the project proceeds that far) and will be available for the community to review and comment on. The DA stage will only be reached if the Government approves the Direct Sale Application. The sale price of the land is determined by independent valuations. This usually occurs after obtaining an approved DA and survey of the land.